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  周国雄,男,19803月出生,教授,工学博士,硕士生导师。曾获得校、“教学名师”、“教学先进个人” 、“优秀共产党员”、“就业先进个人”、“优秀班主任”、“工会工作积极分子”、“线上课程教学先进个人”等荣誉称号。现任湖南省仪器仪表学会理事,湖南省自动化学会会员,教育部学位论文评审专家等。 






  目前已发表学术论文100余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote SensingIEEE Internet Things of JournalAutomation in ConstructionComputer-aided Civil and Infrastructure EngineeringExpert Systems with ApplicationKnowledge-based SystemComputers and Electronics in AgriculturePlant PhenomicsJournal of Integrative Agriculture控制理论与应用、农业工程学报等期刊上等期刊发表论文101篇,SCI收录71篇(中科院SCI一区20篇)、EI收录14篇,国家发明专利3项、主编教材2部。担任过Crop ProtectionFrontiers in Plant scieneceFire SCI期刊的客座编辑,Plant Phenomics期刊青年编委,以及担Computers and Electronics in AgricultureExpert Systems with Applicationbiosystem engineeringIEEE Internet Things of Journal40余个国际知名SCI期刊的审稿人




  [1]Chen Xiao, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Yi Jizheng, Zhang Wenzhuo, Hu Yahui. Identification of tomato leaf diseases based on combination of ABCK-BWTR and B-ARNet. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2020,178 : 105730. (中科院SCI二区) 

  [2]Zhang Wenzhuo, Tan Aijiao, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Li Mingxuan, Chen Xiao, He Mingfang, Hu Yahui. A method for classifying citrus surface defects based on machine vision. Food Measure (2021), 15(3):2877-2888. (中科院SCI 三区)

  [3]Qiang Xiaohu, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Zhang Xin, Zhang Wenzhuo. Forest fire smoke detection under complex backgrounds using TRPCA and TSVB. International Journal of Wildland Fire, (2021),30(5): 329-350.(中科院SCI 二区)

  [4]Haifei Lin, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Li Jiayong, Li Mingxuan, Zhang Wenzhu, Hu Yahui, Wentao Yu. EM-ERNet for Image-Based Banana Disease Recognition. Food Measure (2021), 15 (5):4696-4710(中科院SCI三区)

  [5]Li Mingxuan, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Yi Jizheng, Lu Chao, He Mingfang, Hu Yahui. FWDGAN-based data augmentation for tomato leaf disease identification. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 194.(中科院SCI一区,if:8.3)

  [6]Li Jiayong, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Wang Yanfeng, Jiang Jianwu, Hu Yahui, Lu Chao.Adaptive linear feature-reuse network for rapid forest fire smoke detection model. Ecolog.ical Informatics, 2022, 68.(中科院SCI三区)

  [7]Hu Yaowen, Zhan Jialei, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Cai Weiwei, Guo Kun, Hu Yahui, Li Liujun. Fast forest smoke detection using MVMNet. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022. (中科院SCI一区,if:8.8)

  [8]Zhang Wenzhuo, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Pu Ling, Hu Yahui. Deep multi-scale dual-channel convolutional neural network for Internet of Things apple disease detection. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 194.(中科院SCI一区,if:8.3)

  [9]Zhan Jialei, Hu Yaowen, Zhou Guoxiong*, Wang Yanfeng, Cai Weiwei, Li Liujun. A high-precision forest fire smoke detection approach based on ARGNet. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 194.(中科院SCI一区,if:8.3)

  [10]Li Jiayong, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Lu Chao, Li Liujun. BCMNet: Cross-Layer Extraction Structure and Multiscale Downsampling Network With Bidirectional Transpose FPN for Fast Detection of Wildfire Smoke. IEEE Systems Journal, 2023.(中科院SCI二区)

  [11]Liangji Zhang, Zhou Guoxiong*, Lu Chao, Chen Aibin, Wang Yanfeng, Li Liujun, Cai Weiwei. MMDGAN: A fusion data augmentation method for tomato-leaf disease identification. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 123.(中科院SCI二区)

  [12]Zhan Jialei, Hu Yaowen, Zhou Guoxiong*, Wang Yanfeng, Cai Weiwei, Li Liujun. A high-precision forest fire smoke detection approach based on ARGNet, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 196, 106874.(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,if:8.3) 

  [13]Fang Shundong, Wang Yanfeng, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Cai Weiwei, Wang Qifang, Hu Yahui, Li Liujun. Multi-channel feature fusion networks with hard coordinate attention

  [14]mechanism for maize disease identification under complex backgrounds, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 203, 107486(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,if:8.3) 

  [15]Zhang Yukai, Huang Shuangjie, Zhou Guoxiong*, Hu Yahui, Li Liujun. Identification of tomato leaf diseases based on multi-channel automatic orientation recurrent attention network

  [16]Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023, 205, 107605(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,if:8.3) 

  [17]Zhiwen Tang, He Xinyu, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Wang Yanfeng, Li Liujun, Hu Yahui. A Precise Image-Based Tomato Leaf Disease Detection Approach Using PLPNet, Plant Phenomics. 2023, 5(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,if:6.5) 

  [18]Yubao Deng, Haoran Xi, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Wang Yanfeng, Li Liujun, Hu Yahui. An Effective Image-Based Tomato Leaf Disease Segmentation Method Using MC-UNet. Plant Phenomics, 2023, 5(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,if:6.5) 

  [19]Li Mingxuan, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Li Liujun, Hu Yahui. Identification of tomato leaf diseases based on LMBRNet. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 2023, 123(中科院SCI二区Top期刊,CCF-C)

  [20]Chuang Cai, Wang Qifang, Cai Weiwei, Yang Yixin, Hu Yahui, Li Liujun, Wang Yanfeng, Zhou Guoxiong*. Identification of grape leaf diseases based on VN-BWT and Siamese DWOAM-DRNet. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 2023.(中科院SCI二区Top期刊,CCF-C)

  [21]Zhang Yukai, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, He Mingfang, Li Johnny, Hu Yahui. A precise apple leaf diseases detection using BCTNet under unconstrained environments. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 212, 2023, 108132(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,if:8.3) 

  [22]Zhang Liangji, Yang Zaichun, Zhou Guoxiong*, Lu Chao, Chen Aibin, Ding Yao, Cai Weiwei. MDMASNet: A Dual-task Interactive Semi-supervised Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Method. Signal Processing, 2023, 109152.(中科院SCI二区期刊,CCF-C, if:4.4)

  [23]Liangji Zhang, Lu Chao, Xu Haiwen, Chen Aibin, Li Liujun, Zhou Guoxiong*. MMFNet: Forest Fire Smoke Detection Using Multiscale Convergence Coordinated Pyramid Network with Mixed Attention and Fast-robust NMS. IEEE Internet things of journal, 2022, 123.(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,if:10.6) 

  [24]Wang Qifang, Chen, Aibin, Cai, Weiwei, Cai, Chuang, Fang, Shundong, Li, Liujun, Zhou Guoxiong*. Segmentation network of concrete cracks with multi-frequency OctaveRes dual encoder and cross-attention mechanism optimized by average weight. Automation in Construction, 2023, 155, 105050.(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,if:10.3) 

  [25]He Xinyu, Tang Zhiwen, Deng Yubao, Zhou Guoxiong*, Wang Yanfeng, Li Liujun. UAV-based road crack object-detection algorithm. Automation in Construction, 2023, 154, 105014.(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,if:10.3) 

  [26]Gao Yuxi, Cao Hongbin, Cai Weiwei, Zhou Guoxiong*. Pixel-level road crack detection in UAV remote sensing images based on ARD-Unet. Measurement, 219, 113252.(中科院SCI二区期刊)

  [27]Sun Lixiang, Yang Yixin, Zhou Guoxiong*, Chen Aibin, Zhang Yukai, Cai Weiwei, Li Liujun. An integration-competition network for bridge crack segmentation under complex scenes. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 1-18. .(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,if:9.6)

  [28]Zhan Jialei, Xie Yuhang, Guo Jiajia, Hu Yaowen, Zhou Guoxiong*, Cai Weiwei, Wang Yanfeng, Chen Aibin, Liu xie, Li Maopeng, Li Liujun. DGPF-RENet: A Low Data Dependence Network With Low Training Iterations for Hyperspectral Image Classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 61, pp. 1-21, 2023, Art no. 5520521,(中科院SCI一区Top期刊,CCF-B, if:8.5)

  [29]Deng Jinsheng , Huang Weiqi , Zhou Guoxiong, Hu Yahui ,Li Liujun, Wang Yanfeng, Identification of Banana Leaf Disease Based on KVA and GR-ARNet1,Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2024(中科院SCI一区Top期刊) 


  Email: zhougx01@163.com 


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